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 Components  >  Software  >   Software Improvements  >  Gasket height and compression set tool 

Gasket height and compression set tool

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Enter in some information about the type of gasket application along with a few dimensions and this calculator will tell you what size of gasket will be necessary to do the job.  It factors in compression set as well, so as long as you know the compression set of the gasket compound, you will get a good starting point for your gasket sizing.  All situations are unique and so you may require something other than what is calculated.  The classic disclaimer: IT IS LEFT TO THE PART DESIGNER TO DETERMINE SUITABILITY OF PURPOSE.  These calculators simply are an attempt to draw attention to gasket design issues.

The tools are ultimately designed to be used in order: Gasket Height/Compression Set, Gasket Material Usage, and finally Pressure Drop/Material Flow.  

Update 12/31/08 -
1)  Gasket cost calculator fixed.
2)  Aspect ratio for 1:2 (half-round gasket profile) is now calculated properly
3)  Compression set is now factored in to both Minimum and Maximum range limits.


  1. Gasket Height Calculator screen
  2. Standoff Boss Calc versus Channel Calc

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 Components  >  Software  >   Software Improvements  >  Gasket height and compression set tool 
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